Marlowe's Shade

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Procreation is a mitzvah

...we know that life is not easy. Life in this world is full of pain and suffering. The sages even concluded that it would better for the soul not to have been born (Eiruvin 13b). How can we bring children into such a world?

Just as this mitzvah reinforces our natural aspirations for goodness, so too it elevates the mind and expands our horizons to recognize the unity of reality within the dimension of time. The past, present and future are all bound together. It is not for the faulty world of the present, nor for the cruel world of the past, that we bear and raise children. Rather, we bring these souls into the world in order to advance the universe towards the infinitely bountiful world of the future.
papijoe 8:03 PM