Marlowe's Shade

Friday, August 06, 2004

From the warblog I posted yesterday: "It was Al-Qaeda that attacked us"

What angered me the most the other day was how inaccurate and very little press coverage the attack recieved. They all got it completely wrong. CNN, Al Jazzera, BBC, all of them. Cnn only reported 12 dead??? I told my friend from another Plt that and he said, "Shit! We killed 12 people in the first three minutes." I still wonder why, what happened the other day, over 100 crazed out Al Qaeda jihadist wearing all black and high off the Koran, attacking US Forces with everything they had received very little to no press in all the major news outlets???? It seems to me something like that should be major news. And you also have to wonder how many times something like this happens here in Iraq, where all hell will break loose, and there will be very little to no talk of it whatsoever. They only devoted two fucking paragraphs to that story that happened the other day, I had to fuckin search all over Cnn's site site to find that little bit about what happened, and it totally made it sound like nothing major happened here??? That is complete bullshit. Makes you kinda wonder. (I might delete this entire paragraph, or maybe this whole post. I don't want to get busted, dishonarbly discharge or whatever. In fact I might delete yesterdays post as well. I don't want to get in trouble for saying the things I shouldnt. I'm just saying and writting what everybody else here is telling their loved ones and family in e-mails and phone calls.) I'm just extremely pissed off and perplexed at this whole situation. Good American's are out here getting there bodys brutally torn apart, and the people back home are totally in the dark on the truths of whats happening out here. Maybe they know something I don't know though, maybe there was a reason why it was all on the hush and hush. Who knows. That's always been the story every since we've been up here in Mosul, something huge will happen here, like a major Intifada (Uprising) or a major attack or something and you'll hardly ever hear about it in the news, or they'll get it all completely fucking wrong. Like that fucking spaced out nut case Hackworth, who refers to Mosul and Northern Iraq as "Relatively Safe." Which is complete bullshit. Obviously he's never been on raid or a patrol here. The reason why people think like that is because we have NO reporters up here. (Which also if you ask me isn't really a bad thing, because reporters are soo fuckin terribale at reporting the truth)I'm pretty sure if Mosul was contaminated and infested with reporters and journalists, they would totally blow Mosul all outta proportion and make this place out to be like Viet Fuckin Nam or twist and distort everything, like I've seen them do soo many times since I've been here. But instead, we get no press, so they think its fuckin Disnyland here. (note: personal opinion) Gheraldo was here at the beginning of the year reporting, and he and his camera crew got shot up when he just drove around town. I remember when we were down in the Sunni Triangle we had reporters and journalists with us and all that, and then later on I would read what they wrote, and I would be sitting there, scratching my high and tight, going, "Huh, that's interesting,that's not really how it went down dude." War on Illusion, that's all it is. These guys are covering this war based on whatever Illusions they want to portray on what its like here or whatever angle they want to project. I fucking hate reporters. (please read my disclaimer to the right several times) At times I cant even watch the news because it all just makes me sick how they report it.

I could easily get addicted to this blog
papijoe 9:03 AM